Should you be heading overseas, it is important to remember that political instability and government agendas at many destinations have created security risks for travellers. In some countries, westerners are targeted by terrorists and by other criminals. Areas that may have been safe a year ago, may not be so safe now. Its is prudent before you travel to prepare properly.
A basic step guide is:
- Seek expert advice on international security before you depart (preferably at planning stage). In Australia, the first and main source of expert advice is ‘Smart Traveller’ at DFAT.
- Register your intending travel with the appropriate agency of your respective government before you depart.
- Record emergency consular assistance phone number.
- Record addresses and phone numbers of your country’s consulates in the destination countries.
- Gain destination travel advice closer to your departure. This should not only relate to security, it should relate to other risks such as health warnings.
The more research you do before your trip the better informed and the better prepared you will be for adverse events. Should you be travelling overseas for an extended period, remember situations can change without much warning, so go to the trusted sources of information.
Organisations that send employees, students or volunteers overseas should ensure they receive appropriate international travel safety training and supported by appropriate resources.
The following are the travel advisory services of the Five Eyes countries – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Greater knowledge can be gained about travel safety and destination assessments by extending your research to the travel advisories of more than one country. There is some common advice between these countries, however, each offers additional and useful advice.
International travel safety starts and remains with you.
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
There are also specialist companies that provide risk and threat assessments on international destinations and life-safety support services.
It is essential that organisations that send personnel overseas provide safety training for international travel/deployment. The same requirement applies to educational institutions that send students for overseas exchange. Speak with your legal advisor regarding obligations to provide training. Besides any legal obligations, providing life-safety training is the right thing to do. Please contact us should you like more information.