The British Standards Institution (BSI) recently published – PAS 2900:2021 ‘Commercially Operated Vehicles – Framework for Mitigating Security Risks from Malicious Use – Specification’ (May 2021). This publication has strong relevance to other countries.
This PAS (Publicly Available Specification) was sponsored by the Department for Transport and the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure.
Vehicles have and will continue to be used to commit crime, for example to ram crowds, deliver explosives or to breach perimeters.
The Scope of this PAS states (in part) ‘This PAS specifies requirements for the process of identifying, implementing and maintaining security measures to reduce the risk of commercially operated vehicles being used in acts of terrorism and other forms of serious and organized crime, including drug operations and vehicle and cargo theft as well as undesirable actions such as anti-social behaviour’.
This publication reminds commercial vehicle operators and owners of facilities that use commercial vehicle services (such as manufacturing facilities, distribution centres and public malls) that a vehicle-borne attack may not be an act of terrorism but for another motive, for example theft or personal revenge.
PAS 2900:2021 provides valuable advice that should also be considered in broader security risk management contexts, such as developing a security management plan.
This document comes with caveats including that it can be withdrawn, revised, partially superseded, or superseded. Always seek current advice from trusted subject matter experts.
Outside of Britain, PAS 2900:2021 should be considered in conjunction with legislation, codes of practice, standards, and government advice of the jurisdiction.
Suggested related reading – the terrorist forecast for Australia.
Happy to discuss. Stay safe.
Further information contact: Geoff Harris, Principal Consultant Harris Security Management on LinkedIn or
Note: The above discussion is of general nature only and intended to stimulate and focus conversation on security and related risk management. It lacks context. We do not provide endorsement or assessment on information or research provided by others that may be referenced in this article. The above discussion is not comprehensive and does not provide expert legal comment or advice. The discussion does not provide professional advice from us. Seek expert analysis and advice relevant to your specific context from trusted advisers.
Posted: 4 June 2021
© 2021 Harris Security Management, Sydney Australia